Success Story: Lensing Wolf Media Company

The challenge lies in the matter itself: newspaper production. Different parameters create a highly complex process that cannot be mapped with standard software. The tight production schedule with various editorial deadlines, a daily rhythm that knows no weekends, the speed of the printing presses to be calculated and the 1,200 delivery men who depend on their packages being ready.

The application used at Lensing Wolff media company is a piece of bespoke software that was designed and developed in-house. AXSOS supports subscription and print management in this area, since the importance of this tool within these business processes is to be classified as mission-critical. Because of this, malfunctions in the workflow must be analysed and rectified promptly.

The long-standing collaboration with AXSOS, which was based on CA 2E product support, was expanded by the media company.

What Mr Hess and Mr Strake from Lensing Wolff appreciate above all about the collaboration with AXSOS is the experience AXSOS already has with the company, the high level of specialist knowledge, and the fixed points of contact, who have by now established themselves as true greats when it comes to dealing with questions.


Under the umbrella of Medienhaus Lensing, the daily newspapers Ruhr Nachrichten, Münsterland Zeitung, Dorstener Zeitung and Halterner Zeitung are published along with their respective local editions. In addition, we operate two printing plants and are active in the business of free advertising papers and in local radio broadcasting, as well as in the fields of mail logistics, the Internet and call centres. The online portals of our media company reach more than one million users. Our digital offering includes eNewspapers, apps, and local communities.